*Precinct - "A geographical area with no more than 1,000 voters."
*Caucus -"A meeting, usually for a political purpose."
*Precinct Caucus - "A meeting of the members of a political party to make policy decisions and select delegates who will choose candidates for office. These meetings take place every 2 years on even numbered years."
(Definitions provided by the 2012 Precinct Caucus Meeting Training Manual published by Properity2020)
- If you belong to the Democratic Party, mark your calendar for Tuesday, March 13th @ 7pm at Morgan Middle School for the Democratic Caucus Night! (Democratic Party Chair for Morgan County is Ray Worthen, 876-2572, ray.worthen@att.net)
- If you belong to the Constitution Party, mark your calendar for Thursday , March 15th @ 7pm at the home of Glen and Kathy Astle, 6134 West Canyon Drive in Mountain Green (Monte Verde Subdivision, first left, second house in on the right) for the Constitution Party Caucus Night! (Kathy Astle, 876-3225)
- If you belong to the Republican Party, mark your calendar for Thursday, March 15th @ 7pm for the Republican Caucus Night! See below for meeting locations depending on which precinct you live in Morgan County. (Republican Party Chair for Morgan County is Lars Birkeland, 876-3991, larsleifbirk@hotmail.com)
Precincts #1 (Mountain Green) and Precinct #2 (Petersen-Enterprise) will be held at the Mountain Green Elementary School Gymnasium.