Updates: Morgan Community
Presented before the Utah State Board of Education on Thursday, January 12th, 2012 was our Morgan Community Celebration of the 225th Anniversary of America's Constitution in 2012" via the monthly "Forgotten American Family Night Stories". How did it go? Scroll to bottom of blog to find out...
To date 28 businesses / organizations in Morgan County have welcomed the "Forgotten American Family Night Stories" by making the stories available to the public via a front counter display pockets. (Look for the flag!) One family in Mountain Green and a Boy Scout in Morgan have volunteered to help keep the pockets stocked. THANK YOU!!! The monthly "Forgotten American Family Night Stories" will also be available on the Morgan City website: http://www.morgancityut.com/. January's "story" on the Star-Spangled Banner is now posted along with the Francis Scott Key "Hero" poster, "How to Make a Five Point Star" family activity, story references, and all four verses for and music to the Star-Spangled Banner.
Morgan Empowered Jan. 10th meeting update:
The next meeting will be Feb. 14th at 9:30am at the Morgan School District office to plan our community's Spring Event! If you have any thoughts, concerns, ideas, suggestions regarding what will help strengthen your family and/or you as a parent, email them to Shelly Betz, Chair of Morgan Empowered at sjbetz14@msn.com. Past events sponsored by Morgan Empowered:
- Parent Drug Awareness with Weber/Morgan Narcotics Task Force
- "I Like Me Alcohol Free!" Community Celebration
- Parent Awareness - Cell Phone and Internet Safety
- "What Can Your Kids Do on their Summer Break?"- summer classes, activities, camps, reading programs, sports, etc. offered by our local businesses and organizations
- Richard and Linda Eyre: "The Entitlement Trap" - how to stop "entitlement" in your home
Updates: Morgan County Schools
Morgan High School update if you have a sophomore:
MHS Sophomore SEOP's (Student Education Occupation Plan) will be held in April with you (parents/guardians), your sophomore, and your sophomore's advisory teacher in the evening (like a parent/teacher conference). This is the time when sophomores will also receive their schedule for the upcoming school year.
Mountain Green Elementary School PTSO Jan. 3rd meeting:
Dads & Donuts - February 3rd
Moms & Muffins (& Book Exchange=save your rarely used/outgrown books!) - March 2nd
Daddy Daughter Dance - April 20th
"Why I Am Proud to be an American!" is the Theme for "Inspirations 2012"
Help your child begin to think of ways he/she can express this theme in writing (2000 words or less), art, photography, etc. for the upcoming Inspirations program
(and in support of our Morgan Community 225th Anniversary Celebration of America's Constitution in 2012!)
Future MGES American flag retirement ceremony is in the planning stage with possible participation of local Boy Scouts and soldiers at Hill AFB (along with raising of new MGES American flag). If you are interested in helping in any way, contact Tricia Grow at triciagrow@gmail.com.
Morgan High School PTSO Jan 10th meeting:
Focus on expressing gratitude for our MHS teachers and staff, and expressing positive messages to our MHS kids!
- Write a "thank you!" to your, or your son's/daughter's favorite MHS teacher, coach, administrator, etc. (Address: PO Box 917, Morgan, UT 84050)
- Donate hot-flourescent-colored Post It sticky notes to the MHS PTSO. We'll be writing positive notes on them and sticking them randomly on MHS student's lockers throughout the rest of the year (ie: UR GR8!, Smile!, You Are Awesome!, Keep Up the Good Work!, You Are Amazing!, Have a GR8 Day!) Contact Lydia Nuttall lydiacnuttall@gmail.com if you'd like to donate Post Its, and/or if you can help think of additional positive message ideas to write on the sticky notes. (And a big thank you to MMS PTSO for letting MHS PTSO "adopt" their idea!)
- Reminder to MHS PTSO Board members: Meet at Larry's Spring Chicken Inn on Wed. Jan. 18th at 6:45am for an appreciation breakfast that will be served our MHS teachers and hosted by the MHS PTSO board.
Morgan Middle School PTSO Jan. 10th meeting
Tuesday, January 31st - MMS kids will be cleaning their school! Start setting aside/purchasing cleaning wipes, paper towels, and window cleaner which are items needed for donation for this event - especially the cleaning wipes (contact Kristen Cragun at kristencragun@yahoo.com) Lockers, desks, door jambs, door knobs, windows, drinking fountains, white boards, cupboards, etc. will all receive a wipe-down!
Morgan School District Board of Education Jan. 10th meeting
If Governor Herbert's proposed budget for our schools is approved by our legistators in the upcoming legislative session, Morgan School District will not have to down-size our teaching staff. As a safeguard, however, our local Board of Education is encouraging the Community Councils in all our schools to set aside Trust Land funds - as much as possible - for teacher salaries for the 2012 - 2013 school year.
State Board of Education Jan. 12th meeting:
Chairman Debra Roberts and Vice Chairman Dixie Allen expressed appreciation to our Morgan County Community for supporting the State Board's goal, "Honoring our Constitutional Promise to Utah's Children" through our 2012 Morgan Community celebration of the 225th Anniversary of America's Constitution via the monthly "Forgotten American Family Night Stories".
Both Chairman Roberts and Vice Chairman Allen, State Superintendent Larry Shumway, all other members of the State Board of Education, as well as Associate Superintendent Brenda Hales with the Utah State Office of Education received their own color copies of January's "Forgotten American Family Night Stories" on the Star-Spangled Banner. At the conclusion of the presentation, three State Board members personally expressed their appreciation. In addition, the P.T.A. president for the state of Utah expressed interest in posting on their website the monthly "Forgotten American Family Night Stories" via our Morgan City website. As a concluding "feather" in our Morgan Community "cap", Utah Senator Mike Lee was presented his own copy of the Star-Spangled Banner "Forgotten American Family Night Stories" by the Morgan County News when he dropped by our Morgan community Tuesday, Jan.10th.
Both Chairman Roberts and Vice Chairman Allen, State Superintendent Larry Shumway, all other members of the State Board of Education, as well as Associate Superintendent Brenda Hales with the Utah State Office of Education received their own color copies of January's "Forgotten American Family Night Stories" on the Star-Spangled Banner. At the conclusion of the presentation, three State Board members personally expressed their appreciation. In addition, the P.T.A. president for the state of Utah expressed interest in posting on their website the monthly "Forgotten American Family Night Stories" via our Morgan City website. As a concluding "feather" in our Morgan Community "cap", Utah Senator Mike Lee was presented his own copy of the Star-Spangled Banner "Forgotten American Family Night Stories" by the Morgan County News when he dropped by our Morgan community Tuesday, Jan.10th.
Blog-in next time for Day Twenty-Two!
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