Why attend your caucus meeting? (I know our Utah caucus meetings were last month, but this is good info for March 2014!)
The process of how Utah candidates get their names on the November ballot starts at your precinct caucus meeting. Here's how it works:
- Attend your caucus meeting.
- Listen to people in your precinct nominate other participants (or themselves) to stand for election as a delegate for the upcoming State Democratic Convention or State Republican Convention in April.
- Listen to those who have been nominated share a brief message as to why they would like to represent you and be a "delegate".
- Vote for the person who will best represent you and your interests as a "delegate".
- Votes are counted at the caucus meeting. The person with the most votes becomes your precinct's "delegate". (Sometimes there are more than one "delegate" positions to fill in a precinct.)
- Your precinct's elected delegate attends the state convention on April 21st, 2012. At the state conventions, the elected delegate(s) representing you/your precinct and other elected delegates from precincts all over Utah listen to candidates running for Governor, Senator, House of Representatives member, Attorney General, etc. They vote for which candidate they want to have on the ballot for the November election. The candidate that has the most votes from the delegates gets to be on the November ballot!
Does your vote matter in a caucus meeting? Did you know that only 5% of registered voters here in Utah attend their precinct caucus meetings? That's a tremendous amount of power such a small percentage of people have over your future and the future of the State of Utah! Make sure you take advantage of your opportunity to attend and participate in your caucus meeting this month by voting for a delegate who will best represent YOU and get the candidate YOU want on the ballot for November's election!
"The ultimate rulers of our democracy are not a President and senators and congressmen and government officials, but the voters of this country."
- Franklin D. Roosevelt -
"One person can make a difference and every person should try." - John F. Kennedy -
My "personal favorite" motivational quote:
"Elections belong to the people. It is their decision.
If they decide to turn their back on the fire and burn their behinds,
then they will just have to sit on their blisters."
- Abraham Lincoln -
That's It!
The Morgan Community Network
- Lydia Nuttall -
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